Anderson, Benjamin

Passed: 1901-06-24

Age: 50

Source: Jackson Herald

Death Notice: 1901-06-28

Obituary Date:

Information: BENJAMIN ANDERSON KILLED BY JOHN MILLER - John M. Miller, Jr., a resident of the late David Sayre neighborhood on Cow Run about four miles from Angerona, is in jail charged with the murder of Benj. Anderson, of an adjoining farm.      Miller is a son of J. Miranda Miller, is 39 years old, has a wife and six children and was a hard-working, thrifty land owner.  Anderson was probably fifty-five years of age, had a family, mostly grown, the youngest being nine, and lived on a farm owned by his son, Samuel, immediately below Miller's. They were related.      The men had been on bad terms for some time over a line.  The difficulty that lead to the tragedy of Monday, which occurred about nin the the forenoon, was over rails that had been tossed about by the flood.  Each claimed the rails and each had gone with his team to haul them.  Miller was accompanied by his wife and Anderson by his wife and daughter.  The ball, which was shot from a 32  calibre pistol, entered an inch over the left nipple and lodged in the right shoulder blade.  Anderson died in 10 or 20 minutes after receiving the fatal wound, without making any statement.      At one o'clock an inquest was held by Squire B. F. Sayre.      The same Justice held the preliminary examination Monday night in the school house, near Anderson's. The State was represented at this hearing by Prosecuting Attorney O'Brien and the prisoner by Attorneys W. P. Kerwood and W. O. Parsons.  The house was crowded and the examination lasted all night, though the only witnesses examined by the State were deceased's wife and daughter and the accused offered no evidence. At the conclusion Miller was remanded to jail.  Bail was not asked for.       (Benjamin Anderson is buried at Cow Run)