Angus, Adrain Luther


Age: 32

Source: Jackson Herald

Death Notice:

Obituary Date: 1946-05-03

Information:   DROWNED IN OHIO/BODY FOUND AT LOCKS BY ATTENDANTS - A body which was identified as that of Adrain Luther Angus, 32, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Angus of Sandyville, but who are living at Parkersburg at the present time, was discovered in the Ohio river by attendants at the Ravenswood locks last Thursday evening about 7:00 o'clock.  Robert M. Ritchie, one of the lock attendants, first saw the body floating about 20 feet above the lock gates along the lock wall. was secured along the lock wall until officials arrived to investigate.  Officials for a time worked on the assumption that it might be the body of Robert Full, who was drowned at Parkersburg early in March, and whose companion was also drowned and the body was found at Ravenswood about three   (Odaville items 5/3/46)  It was quite a shock to the community when word came that Adrain Angus' body was found floating down the Ohio river at Ravenswood.  His death is one of those mysterious ones as no one knows when, where nor how it happened.  He was well known in this section and had many friends and relatives living here.  He was laid to rest in the Drift Run cemetery Saturday.  Services were held at the grave.